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Friday, February 27, 2009'♥

Hello readers. Just created a blog. Im quite new to this, so bear with me aight? Haha. Hmm, see the picture above? On the left, its me, Ain, the owner to this blog. Hate me or the content of my blog? Scrammm pleaseeeee!!!! Haters are not needed here. After all, my blog, my say! Get that in mind yah fellas? Okay, on the right, that's Ika. She's my classmate. Credits to her for customizing this blog of mine.

Currently Im schooling at ITE College East under January intake. Im taking the nursing course. I've had good and bad times in school these past two months. If you guys are wondering why, I already suffered 'kepahitan' at school within two short months because we had problems with some Year 2 Nursing students and even our classmates. But that's all settled now. *Peace*

Well, that's about it for today. I'll do a proper update soon. Be sure to tag and link me aight bebs!


blogged @ 5:22 AM

♥Th' Lady

Im your little one, Ain
Sweet 17 this 16th Oct
Ite College East, Nursing Student

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